Writing in the Margins, Bursting at the Seams

Writing in the Margins, Bursting at the Seams: September 2013

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Paris, 1972

I wipe a crumb from his mouth. One second is all he needs.

But undoing my past will undo my future: twins conceived two years hence.

I content myself with this final touch.

This was written for this week's Trifecta Writing Challenge.

This weekend's Trifextra comes to us courtesy of MOV, who often emails us with suggestions for site improvement or potential prompts.  Most recently, she told us about Travel and Leisure magazine's "Super Short Travel Stories" competition, thinking that we could recreate the same challenge on our site.  We love the idea, but borrowing it outright feels a bit shady, so we're going to add our own twist to it.  This weekend, we want you to give us a 33-word time travel story.  We don't usually tell you what to title your piece, but we'd love it if you could title it with the year/date that you choose. - See more at: http://www.trifectawritingchallenge.com/#sthash.RxVhSxkB.dpuf
